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WSF SquashLevels

Welcome to SquashLevels!

Thanks for clicking through to our system.

SquashLevels overview

SquashLevels is the level based ranking system for all abilities of squash player from beginner all the way up to the top pros. You just need a result or two on the system to get a level and get started. After that, every result will show you how well you are playing and spur you on to play more and improve.

With results coming in from many of the major systems, there's a good chance you're already on here. Just click on 'Find' above and have a look.

Please feel free to look around the system. If you're not on it then just pick your favourite from the world rankings and have a look at them. You can see quite a lot without joining up.

If you'd like to join the community then just ask your provider to get in touch and have your results sent across. SquashLevels is a complementary system and will work with any provider. It's easy to get connected.

SquashLevels overview

Have fun looking around and do get in touch with us at info@squashlevels.com if you have any questions. You can use the menus above or visit our tour page for some quick links to interesting pages. Whichever is easiest.