England Squash Ratings Page

England Squash National Ratings

Find out where you stack up against all the other squash players in the country, this month and at any time since September 2022.

The England Squash National Ratings are powered by SquashLevels and include all the players who have their country set to England and who have results recorded on SquashLevels in the six months prior to the ranking period selected.

This includes all the England Squash sanctioned events, many tournaments across the country, county leagues and many club boxes.

The ratings shown are each player’s SquashLevels level at the start of the selected month with additional damping from averaging their level over their last four results.

A full explanation of how SquashLevels calculates levels is available on their FAQ page.


The ratings page defaults to showing all English players with the pros at the top, indicated by the PSA logo against their name. The default period selected is the current month and the levels shown are those at the start of the month, averaged over approximately 10 match results.

You can select to show any month over the last 10 years (see notes on juniors below) and filter the ratings by age group and/or gender. Just click on the search filters block to open up the selection to choose your filters.

You can find any player in England using the search bar. Just enter their name (or parts of their name) and select them from the names listed. Their position will then be shown with their name highlighted. This works with all filters so, for instance, you can find out what your national ranking was five years ago!

If you click on a player, it will take you to that player's profile on SquashLevels which shows you their current level, ratings and results stats, matches and so on depending on your membership level of SquashLevels. From here, you can explore the SquashLevels site.


In order to appear in the junior ratings, you must have been within the age group at the time (note, for instance, that U15s will be included in the U17s and U19s ratings) but there is no minimum number of sanctioned events that you must have played in the previous 12 months. With the introduction of the England Squash tournament based rankings, these ratings have now been opened up to all juniors and are fully inclusive.

Note that junior ratings only go back to November 2017.


In order to appear in the masters ratings, you must have been old enough at the time (note, for instance, that O50s will be included in the O35s and O40s ratings) but there is no requirement on events you must have played in. If you're not showing in the age group you would expect then we may not have your DoB recorded. You can update/correct that directly via your player profile page on SquashLevels.


How do these ratings compare with the previous ClubLocker generated ratings?

The previous ClubLocker ratings were tournament based where a player would accumulate points based on their final position in each sanctioned event and the number of tournaments entered. Tournaments were weighted so you would get more points for the higher ranked events and the overall ratings would be based on your best four tournaments over the previous 12 months.

Levels is a simpler concept as it just measures your current playing level based on your results and the level of your opponents. If you play better than expected you will go up, if worse than expected you go down. It's a version of the Matrix system but is much more accurate as it takes points and behavioural modeling into account.

What happened to all the previous ratings and points accumulated?

SquashLevels works on results (and opponent level) rather than progress through tournaments so we don't use the final positions as the previous ratings did. Instead, we have pulled all the results that are available on ClubLocker and used them to calculate player levels to this point. We will continue to do this with Sport Manager going forward.

Why am I missing results from some ClubLocker tournaments?

Unfortunately, some tournaments only recorded final positions on ClubLocker, not the match results, so we can't include those. All results will be imported from Sport Manager going forward so these holes in your history will become less significant over time.

Is there an advantage to having more results on SquashLevels?

SquashLevels measures playing level based on results and opponent level. If you have more results it should be more accurate but there's no accumulation of points or level and the number of matches you've played doesn't increase your level.

Why are these ratings different to what I am seeing on SquashLevels?

The ratings are based on the same level calculations but what you see on SquashLevels is your current playing level. The England Squash ratings are taken at the beginning of the month selected and are an average of your last four levels.

Are these ratings used for England Squash selection?

No. The selection process is managed by the England Squash performance team and takes many factors into account including watching players play first hand at specific sanctioned events. Please see the Team England Selection Policy page.

Which matches count towards my ranking?

All matches recorded on SquashLevels affect your level but they are weighted so that the most important matches count more:

  • Informal club matches: 40%
  • Club league/box matches: 50%
  • County/team matches: 75%
  • Tournaments: 100%

With the averaging over several matches, the England Squash ratings will be mostly affected by the most important matches that each player has played.

What does the PSA logo indicate?

This logo represents that the player has played on the PSA tour in the last 12 months. Sometimes a player will actively retire and that may then allow us to remove the PSA logo more quickly.

Click on the logo to visit the PSA page to find more information on the player.